
Showing posts from March, 2022

Empowering Women Through Their Education

More than 130 millions girls are out of school due to child labor, child marriage, high costs, war, gender discrimination, natural disasters, health, early preganancies, and low quality, repeated classroom lessons ( Malala Fund, 2022 ). Violent neighborhoods and COVD-19 has also played its part in limiting educational opportunities for girls ( The World Bank, 2022 ). If communities invested in ensuring all girls were educated, it could potentially contribute roughly $12 trillion dollars to the “global growth” ( Malala Fund, 2022, para. 12) . Girls are more likely to not marry young or contract HIV when they have an education (Malala Fund, 2022). According to the Malala Fund (2022 ), each additional year of education that girls receive, the lower infant mortality rates and child marriage are. Many stakeholders involved in girls’ education value inclusivity and quality education that prepares students for their futures ( The World Bank, 2022 ). It is important to note that the considerat

Empowering Women Through Their Education

Approximately 15 millions school-aged girls will never receive an equal, gender-sensitive education in their lifetime (World Vision, 2021). Despite this alarming number, low-income countries still do not provide safe, gender inclusive, empowering conditions for girls to attend their schooling at all. Because of this, young girls do not receive an education that properly prepares them for motherhood, marriage, or their health; countries continue to lose trillions of dollars in lost productivity and earnings when they provide limited educational opportunities for girls (The World Bank, 2022). Stick with me on this blog if you believe ALL should receive a fair education!  References The World Bank. (2022, February 10). Girls' Education. The World       Bank.  World Vision. (2021, June 18). Girls’ education: facts and how to help . World       Vision.

How can communities invest their time and money into educating girls in low-income areas?

Empowering Women Through Their Education Girls face barriers when receiving their education due to cultural values, gender norms and poverty (The World Bank, 2022). Girls face fragility and are at a disadvantage to receiving the benefits from countries investing in education (The World Bank, 2022). While we may take for granted our access to free education, some countries cannot provide their citizens with a safe, gender-sensitive education. Without a proper, informing education, girls are put at risk for child marriage and childbearing at a young age (The World Bank, 2022). The vulnerable girls in these countries deserve an education that shapes them into contributing members of society. If we invest more in girls' education, countries will begin to prosper off their achievements. Stick with me on this blog if you think ALL should receive a fair education!  Reference The World Bank. (2022, February 10).  Girls' Education.  Retrieved           from